Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

So what exactly is Criminology?

“Wait, so what really is Criminology?” This is a question I tend to get asked a lot, so today I thought I would finally address it, just to give an idea of what it really is I’m doing at Surrey and hopefully help out those thinking of studying Criminology.     Simply put, Criminology is […]

Looking Back on Last Year (Part II)

A little late in the night but, as promised, part 2 of my Looking Back post! On my previous post, I talked about the first half of last year, and my favourite highlights from it. On this post I talk about the second half of the year, reflecting on how that was.     Once […]

Looking Back on Last Year (Part I)

Hello all! [WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD] but loads of pictures (: As we begin the new year (or, rather, end the beginning of the new year), I thought I would reflect on the one just past, particularly my favourite highlights. 2017 was a great year for me, and I know I use this word a […]

Exam time at Surrey… (cue dramatic music)

It’s exam time!! Ah! To be honest, the idea of coming back from a holiday and diving straight into an exam period baffles me. My brain only switched on properly at the end of last week, by which time I’d already done about five assessments. Having said that – it is the first time in […]


Hello all and Happy New Year!   I realise it might be a bit late into the month to still be saying happy new year, but it has been a while since I wrote one of these. It’s been a bit of a fumbling start to the new year. After a lovely dinner and catch […]

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