Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

A week in a life of a Master Student at Surrey 👩🏽‍🎓

Bonjour…again 😃 This week I have decided to take you through what is like to be a Master student at the University of Surrey. I am currently pursuing a Master degree in International Tourism Development in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management; a leading centre for research and teaching. I am taking 4 modules this […]

Bonjour Surrey 👋

Hello everyone, I am Yasmine Fofana. I am a Master student in the International Tourism Development programme and 1 of the 11 Chevening Scholars here at the University of Surrey. 1st Ivorian Ambassador   I am from Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 🇨🇮 born and raised with family backgrounds in other west African countries: Guinea, Senegal & […]

Professional Certification in UK….Scholars opportunity

Scholar beware…..”Every course studied in the UK has a professional body backing and certifying it…the achievement of this certification at whichever level is value adding to any scholar and to any employer….”   Not long ago, I got a chance to talk to a friend interested in studying Energy Economics course at Masters level in the […]

….Chevening Scholars Relay: the Red baton lands at Surrey

Chevening scholars at the University of Surrey had a great day, laying their hands on the red chevening scholars relay baton,one of the two relay batons making their round in universities around the UK.

...chevening scholars relay baton at SurreyThe red baton, first launched at Bangor university chevening scholarships award ceremony has been on the move ever since September 2016, reaching out to the many scholars in different universities around the UK. Dubbed the scholars relay, the baton represents Chevening scholarships aims to all the successful applicants and the very countries they represent. The relay seeks to encourage scholars to collaborate with one another and other stakeholders both in the UK and beyond, among the scholars themselves, network, travel widely and adopt an all inclusive approach to common goals.  The aim is to have the baton pass around the network safely, getting the scholars to develop conversations around one another within the network and beyond.

Chevening scholarship is ranked the very best scholarships around the world that enables all those who successfully go through the process of applying for it study among the most prestigious universities in the UK. It is a fully funded scholarship catering importantly for the tuition and upkeep for all the scholars besides providing a wide range of networking opportunities for the students. Having gone through the application process, i would boldly say it is not  a process for those who are not ready to work for it. A process that spans over six months from the day the advert is send out in August to the time the final award letter is obtained, it is an opportunity that opens doors to lots of opportunities that come with determination, hard work and readiness and willingness to go an extra mile.


Every scholar or individual who holds the ambition of being a future leader, an influencer or a decision maker in whichever area they find themselves in, the scholarship could be the answer to your ambition. Applications for 2017/2018 are officially closed and most applicants have eceived feedback on whether they proceed to the next stage of the interview process or not. For those who have made it to the next stage of the application process, my advice is……”consider your upcoming interviews as an opportunity to have a conversation around your dreams and aspirations. You will be discussing these statements with a panel of people who have an interest in what you believe in and are there to help realize this dream. What you brought out in terms of your leadership, networking and career path is what you are going to talk about, therefore, take it as an opportunity to show the world what you have in store for it. Master your statements just like your dream, be ready to discuss this from each perspective and be confident about your dream and aspiration…”

For those who never made it to the next stage, it could have been due to a number of reasons, but most importantly, there are lots of chances still around you and having gone through the process the first time, the next one should be easy for you. My advice is….”do not plagiarize the statements made by others in your application process. Do not use other scholars statements as your own. This is illegal and unacceptable especially for scholars and future leaders. There is a host of scholars who would be willing to offer advice on the application processes especially on the chevening alumni  network home country face book pages. Getting in touch with them would be very helpful. Am glad to have supported one from Cambodia, and voila, she made it to the next stage, and am currently mentoring two have made to the next stage as well

..the scholars day....networking...collaborate....lead..For all the scholars who wish to study in the UK, the next chevening scholarships applications open in August 2017 for the 2018/2019 academic year. Besides Chevening scholarship, most UK universities have funding available for the various programs and checking it out with the various university pages would be more helpful.

img-20170221-wa0062For further help on the application process and more information on the scholarship, check out on and you can as well shout out and someone will be there for you. For more information on studying at the university where wonderful things happen, check out on the University of Surrey home page.

Return to home…..

Right after the end of last semester exam, something happened. It was something i had looked forward to, for two months. Getting back home to my family. The anxiety that came with leaving them four months earlier was gone, but the new anxiety that came with looking forward to seeing them again was here with […]

Winter break and the reality of a scholar

  I heard  the bells of winter break coming two weeks ago…..and i knew i would once again hear the curtains close down on this precious break and now its time folks. Studying in a foreign country, in UK for that matter, with the immense pressure and responsibilities that come with them can be quite […]

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