Surrey meets China

China Student Ambassadors – Haiying, Jiali and Qiancheng

如何在萨里度过圣诞和新年假期?(下) How did I spend my time for Xmas holiday and New Year Eve in Surrey (Part 2)

在这一期,我将给大家讲一讲我和朋友在伦敦所度过的难忘的新年夜。 In this episode, I’m gonna talk a bit about my experience on New Year Eve in London. 如果大家看新闻联播有印象的话,每年新年倒计时,伦敦作为一个世界一线城市,其新年焰火都会被摆在新闻剪辑里最显著的位置。由于吉尔福德地理位置很接近伦敦,所以我和小伙伴们决定,在伦敦以Pub Crawl的方式度过新年夜。伦敦的焰火仪式在伦敦摩天轮(又称伦敦眼 London Eye)举行,正好位于伦敦金融城、威斯特敏斯特和兰贝斯区的中间位置,可谓市中心的市中心了,所以届时会有成千上万的人涌入这里,毫不夸张地说,新年夜当晚从泰晤士两边河畔各自往内延伸三四个街区都将会被封锁,需要提前数月购买观看焰火的门票才能进入。可想而知,近处的观景区内将是人潮涌动、摩肩接踵。我们在计划新年夜活动时,就打算在一个相对轻松而不那么拥挤的环境下进行,所以我们选了在伦敦市区较远的卡姆登镇进行我们的Pub Crawl 和新年夜。 If you guys have been watching any world news for years, you must have some impressions that as a worldwide first-tier city, London’s massive firework always been regarded as one of […]

如何在萨里度过圣诞和新年假期?(上) How did I spend my time on Xmas holiday and New Year Eve in Surrey? (Part 1)

大家好!很长时间没有更新了,在这篇博客里我将会为大家说说关于圣诞和新年假期在萨里的一些趣事,虽然已经过去很久了,但还是很希望能够与大家分享关于萨里生活的一切。 Hi everyone, it’s been a long time that I away from blogging, so now I come back and bring you with some of my fascinating experiences and stories about how did I spend my time for both Xmas and New Year holiday. Though it’s been weeks after that, I still want to share with […]


The Benefits of Taking Pre-sessional Course 新春佳节,祝愿各位同学及家人都身体健康,平安快乐! Wish you all good health, safety and happiness in the Spring Festival! 今天与大家分享一下我在去年夏天参加萨里大学语言班的经历。 Today, I would like to share with you my experience of attending the Pre-sessional course at the University of Surrey last summer. 语言班(Pre-sessional Course)想必对于还在挣扎在“屠鸭之路”上的同学并不陌生。雅思作为英语语言水平的测试工具和衡量标准是留学生在申请学校时候的硬性条件之一。雅思成绩不达标的同学可以通过参加语言班课程并通过考试来证明自己的英语水平并拿取学校录取通知书。 For those who are still struggling for their IELTS grades. The […]

新年快乐! Happy New Year!

大年初一,祝大家新年快乐! Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, I wish you a happy New Year! 今天的博客给大家分享一些作为在萨里大学学习的中国留学生,学校给予的支持与帮助。 Today’s blog will share some experience as a Chinese student studying at the University of Surrey and what kinds of support and help you can get. 首先谈谈学校周边的设施,海外生活学习自己动手做饭肯定是大家都会经历的,尤其是想家的时候,做几道家乡菜总能缓解思乡之情。想要做出地道的家的味道,中式料理的材料就至关重要了。有些同学在出国之前行李箱里往往会塞很多类似于海底捞火锅底料,老干妈,桂皮八角等等各式各样的调料。然而在萨里大学你根本不用担心这些。 First of all, let’s talk about the facilities around […]

My Christmas Story

Seasonal Greetings to you all! 向大家致以节日的问候! By the end of the first semester, here comes the most important British holiday- Christmas Day! After three months of study, it is finally time to relax a bit. 转眼到了第一学期末,英国最重要的节日——圣诞节来了!经过三个月的学习,终于到了放松的时候了。 For it is my very first Christmas abroad, I’ve decided to make it special, thus earlier in October, I […]

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