Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

Doctoral College Institute of Directors Virtual Event: Employer Insights and Employer Mentoring Session

5pm- 6.30pm Thursday 18th November 2021 We are delighted to be joined by two of our fabulous Employer Mentors; Achilleas and Shakar, who will share their career insights into life beyond academia. As well as describing some of the benefits of employer mentoring and how the programme can help build connections and broaden your horizons […]

Surrey Peer Support Service

Hello from your Peer Supporters! We are all current University students in our 3rd, 4th or final year of undergraduate study, or studying at postgraduate level, so we are very familiar with all that Surrey has to offer. As Peer Supporters we have all been trained by the Wellbeing and Welfare department to provide a […]

AcWriMo: On the need for solid foundations

Guest post – Phil Powrie, Professor of Cinema Studies and former Chief General Editor of Studies in French Cinema. He was Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences 2010-2015. “Writing a first draft is like trying to build a house in a strong wind.” — attrib. William Faulkner When I started out […]

AcWriMo: Your Project as a Poem

For AcWriMo, we invite you into a little competition and some unexpected perspectives: can you transform your doctoral thesis, journal article or research project into a poem? We even have some prizes for the winners! This can be a fun exercise, and a break from the hard work of theory, experiments, or analysis. You might […]

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