Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

ESRC IAA Spotlight on Public Engagement – May 2021

Getting your research to work on social media may be easy, but how do you ensure the content is popular, meaningful, and reaches the right people?  As the world has moved online it’s essential to make your voice stand out, but how do you find and connect with your audience to create a live experience […]

Spring 2021 Wellbeing Workshops

Switching off: Strategies for managing work-related rumination Tues 13 April 14:00-15:30 Using evidence-based research, this PGR-led workshop will provide you with strategies for managing home-based working, and tips for planning your working day and leisure time to help manage stress when working remotely. Register here Managing uncertainty and uncontrollability in your doctorate Tues 27 April […]

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