Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

Virtual call-in with the FEPS Engagement Librarian

The FEPS Faculty Engagement Librarian – Adam Hill will be available online for you to ask any Library and Learning Services related questions that you might have, e.g.: •            Managing and finding Information •            Open Access Resources •            Literature searching •            Reference management software •            New resource suggestions Please join the Librarian call-in: Zoom Meeting […]

ECR News: BA/Leverhulme: Information Workshop

The 2021 round of the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grants has just been announced.  Please see below for the details of FASS’ upcoming information workshop on the Small Grants. About the BA/Leverhulme Small Grants The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants are available to support primary research in the humanities and social sciences.  These awards, up to £10,000 […]

PGR Sick Leave due to Covid-19

We have re-apportioned some budgets to create sick leave provisions so that all Surrey PGRs can now enjoy the same terms and conditions for sick pay as UKRI-funded students. If you become unwell due to coronavirus, funding for your period of illness can be covered without a GP note. To claim an extension of funding […]

NIHR ARC KSS funding opportunities information session

Tuesday 29 September 2020, 14:00-15:00 on Zoom ( Dr Jo Armes ARC KSS ‘Digital Innovation’ theme lead and Professor Heather Gage ARC KSS ‘Health and Social Care Economics’ theme lead will be available to provide further information about three funding opportunities (please see below) and answer questions.  PhD studentships Surrey has funding for 8 project-led studentships to start in January […]

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