Study Abroad in Singapore

Thomas Hithersay – BSc (Hons) Economics

Hello everyone, I’m Thomas and I chose Singapore Management University (SMU) located in Singapor the hub of South East Asia for my study exchange. It’s safe to say that I am extremely pleased with my decision! 

Singapore is an amazing country and it has so much to offer. Whether it be the delicious food stalls at the Hawker Centres, the iconic scenery and architecture of the downtown area or the deep history that Singapore has, there is something for everyone! Singapore’s convenient location at the tip of the Malay peninsula allows for easy travel around Southeast Asia if you are someone who is keen to explore. Singapore itself is an incredibly unique place in the world, and I can confidently say there is no where truly like Singapore. One of my favourite places in Singapore is Clarke Quay, which has some amazing food spots, splendid views and historical sites. I also really recommend visiting Lau Pa Sat, a hawker centre not too far from SMU! My favourite dish is Singaporean Duck Rice.  

In regards to SMU, I believe it is a fantastic university that is certainly different to Surrey, but in a way that would only make your exchange experience better! From the get go, the whole application was very easy and smooth and I felt supported by their exchange team as well as Surrey’s team through the whole process. SMU’s exchange team are incredibly responsive and if there are any issues that you run into, then they will support you as much as possible. SMU operate a bidding system that students use to select the module and time slot for the class they would like to pick, thus it is quite important that you attend the tutorial session to learn how it works so that you can get the module and time slot that you desire. 

The classes are much more interactive as all classes are conducted in a seminar style format with around 30-40 people in each seminar. It truly is an interactive learning experience. If you have 4 modules, then you would have 4 classes per week so in that respect, there is a lot less on the timetable in comparison to Surrey. That being said, each of the classes last just over three hours, which can take some time getting used to; however about two weeks into term, I came to the prefer this format. Given that Singapore is a global hub, you will meet students from all around the world studying alongside you which is truly a unique experience. This allowed me to make new friends and connections that I will cherish forever. The campus is in the central business district of Singapore, allowing for easy transportation when coming and going from home. There are also a huge number of clubs, societies and sports that you can participate in. The facilities that SMU provide to the students are top notch!

If you would like an exchange experience that has a good blend of everything, then I can strongly recommend SMU and Singapore.