Trip to Tate Modern and Halloween Night

Hi everyone! It’s Diana. 🙂

How did your Halloween weekend go? Was is spooky? And did you dress up and go trick-or-treat?

I remember my first trick-or-treat experience is when I was 5 and my mum bought me this very cute pumpkin bucket and I dressed up as a little witch (but really was just a black bin bag on my shoulders and baby powder on my hair to make it looks grey). I have always looked forward to Halloween because my birthday is just the day before. So I would always celebrate my birthday and Halloween together. The Halloween party in Rubix this year was so much fun! Everyone was really well dressed up and the student union was giving out free sweets to everyone. The overall atmosphere was really good too!


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Trip to Tate Modern

On Saturday, my friend and I went to visit the Tate for my birthday. There was a exhibition on Georgia O’Keeffe and I remember studying her work when I was doing my Art GCSE. I really liked her style and paintings. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to take any pictures there and the exhibition is now closed.

Here are some of her work:


Georgia O’keeffe Oriental Poppies, 1927



Georgia O’keeffe New York Street with Moon, 1925


If you are into International modern and contemporary art or like to visit museums or art galleries, then I would highly recommend you to visit Tate Modern. It is open to the public and free entry. Most of the exhibitions are free, except for special exhibitions.

For more information you can visit:

So, this is it from me today. Can’t wait to share more about my experience with you all!

See you next week! Diana x