Since this is the first time we met, let me introduce myself!
My name is Janis and I am studying nutrition and dietetics BSc (Hons). This is a special year to me as I am in my clinical placement year. It is such a precious opportunity to me, not only to gain some work experience but to put knowledge into practice. (I am going to share more about the course as well as my thoughts on a placement year, so please stay tuned:)
I was raised and have always been studying in Hong Kong. Until several years ago, after my first visit to the U.K., I just fell in love with the country! This place is full of historical landmarks, lots of the greatest museums, many famous festivals and sporting events … The people I met were all so nice, and their accents were so elegant. At that time, I just thought, it might be a good idea to study in this country. And that begins my journey to Surrey! There are concerns and worries before I make this decision. But all these years I spent in Surrey has been memorable.
Let me share some campus photos with you, they are all taken by me😊

I hope you have enjoyed my very first blog. Please do comment your thoughts and what contents do you want me to cover! I think that’s all for now. See you all in the next blog ><