International Hospitality Management BSc (Hons)

Welcome back folks! As we have been focusing on our travel series, it’s time to tell you all more about my course! In this blog, we will be going through the background information of this courses, things we do and what we can expect. Hopefully it will be useful for our prospective students who are interested in doing Hospitality Management <3

Also, please do not hesitate to leave comment below if there’s anything you want to know that hasn’t been covered in this blog!

First thing first, what to expect?

Since this is a social science subject, you may expect to be living with quite lots of theories. But then, you may also expect to have some interactive sessions like running a hotel with a simulator, having food tasting sessions, going on field trips or site visit as well as to have presentations! (Do stay for more pictures in the latter parts!)

In our first year, we will go through wide range of basic topics in different areas like accounting, restaurant and specialty (e.g. Cruises or wellness sector) operations so to have a taste of what we do. Moving onto second year, we will start to touch on more of the management topics in our field, such as hotel revenue, intercultural and F&B management. Some business topics will also be covered like finance and consumer behavior, for our student to equip themselves with broader set of management knowledge and capability for their future career development whilst identifying their interest.

Before doing our final year, some of the students may go on a placement, if interested. There are options for placement students to work abroad in hotel in different countries as well! For those who didn’t apply for placement year, you will be expecting to organize yourself a unique pathway by opting in modules like investment and strategic revenue management, tourism and events consultancy, etc.

For those who want to further specialize themselves in different field, we also have optional modules available starting from second year like business law, gastronomy (Food tasting!!!!), digital marketing. So I would say it’s rather flexible and easy to develop your own pathway or interest with all resources provided.

So, what’s my career path?

Most graduates started their career in hotel sector, mostly the big names like Marriott, Hilton and Four Seasons. But for sure, we have so many other opportunities for you to explore, such as our career and job fair throughout the year!

This is what we do!

As mentioned, we do not only do theories but will also have interesting things to do, such as –

Food tasting

Yes, we do, great variety of food. Ranging from Western to Eastern and even things that you have never seen or expected… Of course, we also do wine tasting <3

Chopped tomatoes, olive oils, pop corns and orange juices!
Different types of cheese!
You going to enjoy this if you have a sweet tooth!

Field Visit

That’s what we also do! We do not only stay in classrooms but we also go out 😀

@Pennyhill Park Hotel
some refreshments to start it off <3
a specially designed pork dish, with salmon!


We ran a hotel for 4-quarter, yes, we do that and not only once – on a simulator!

this will be done in a module where students will be given access to a hotel simulator, decisions will need to be made each week. Result of that quarter will then be released the next week for ongoing simulation, and further strategies implementation.
One of the decisions that we have to make, is to determine how much cost should be placed on certain customer segment
Results for various aspects will be released each week, followed by an ultimate presentation at the end of the quarter reporting our performance.

More importantly, we have fun!

Each year during Christmas, we will be going to WinterWonderland – for free!

It’s all about fun!
One of the best places in London to have a pre-celebration with your friends!


呢一科其實有好多唔同嘅課程搭配,例如係Foundation搭Degree,Placement搭Degree甚至可以揀『我全都要』。所以記得報之前要好好睇清楚自己係可以或者係應該報邊一個呀!同時都要記得準備好時間報UCAS,考IELTs,UCAS收到通知之後就可以上Surrey Self-Service keep track自己申請嘅進度㗎喇!

除此之外,其實某啲大專同學仔都可以報名㗎,例如係VTC 😀

同時,如果有興趣想了解多啲呢間學校甚至想親身蒞臨參觀嘅話,其實都可以撳呢度同Admission Team聯絡。想知多啲呢個課程,可以撳呢度

Once again, feel free to drop a message below if you have any question, we are here to help! Wish y’all all the best and see you in the next blogposts with more related information and another trip to Vienna!