Vienna, the picturesque city (cont’d)

Happy Easter Holiday folks, it’s time to continue our trip in Vienna!

Since we stopped at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna last time, let’s start from there. This time, we will go further for things to do and try some famous dishes in Vienna! 

Something different to do

horse carriage spotted by the main street
Pure elegance
Elegant chandelier everywhere

So, are there any horse riding fans here?  Don’t forget to pay the Spanish Riding School a visit, they have guided tour everyday at 1 to 4 p.m., morning practice every Tuesday and performance with music in their elegantly designed hall every two weeks.  Do check the availability and plan ahead, also, Vienna pass holders will still have to pay a small amount for the guided tour.

Timetable for guided tour, subject to change so it may be your best interest to check their website before going there in case of disappointment
The staff will show you around the stable, do listen to the instructions as some places are not allowed to take pictures and touch the horses

Have any one of you ever wanted to ride on a horse?  I’m saying cuz short-term horse riding courses are also available there!

They will also show the time for the next training or performance at their ticket office

Austrian National Library, Austria’s largest library and central memory institution that aims to house all publications appearing in Austria (including electronic media)

I was amazed, by the food there

By that, I am not exaggerating. Check this one out, Vapiano, an Italian made-to-order restaurant where you may get to taste different types of freshly made pasta, pizza and salad. Here, you may also order your own combination <3

講食,維也納真係驚喜處處 😛


一場嚟到,無理由唔食維也納咁出名嘅炸豬扒嘅!呢間係 Schnitzelwirt (Neubaugasse 52, Vienna 1070 Austria)
到處都係令人驚喜嘅設計, that’s how you catch the attention of your customers!
出名嘅豬肋骨,好易就可以喺唔同餐廳見到,質素好嘅其實都有唔少選擇,包括有喺正美景宮隔離嘅 Salm Bräu。除咗肋骨之外,佢哋嘅清湯都係非常唔錯嘅選擇~

其次,Ribs of Vienna有唔同嘅口味,啱晒同朋友一齊去嘅咁多位!可以share幾款,試盡唔同口味 <3



唔知喺海外嘅咁多位又有無掛住兩餸飯同放題呢?畢竟Guildford附近除咗K Town BBQ之外都已經無乜可取之選喇 🙁

不過唔緊要,我哋可以喺維也納市中心嘅位置搵到呢一間都頗有特色嘅All you can eat 😛  Der Wiener Deewan係一間巴基斯坦嘅任食餐廳,裡面餸菜選擇唔算多,但勝在質素搭救。

非常有特色嘅招牌,如果係喺香港嘅話,大概會係霓虹燈版本 😛
慢慢食,少少 少少咁試下唔同嘅餸,記得唔好嘥嘢呀!


It’s time, for more interesting museums!

As mentioned, this is the “MadHouse Tower“, but it’s certainly not for the fainted hearts… It’s a pathology museum so if you understand, you understand and if you don’t, look it up online before you go!
Spotted this inside the university situated right next the Madhouse, noticed that QR code?
After scanning the QR code, you will be directed to this page. There will be videos introducing different unique items and features around the campus. Simple yet impressive idea, I have to say

Another similar museum!

Join me to this Crime Museum, get their audio guide. Don’t save your money on this unless you understand German, as most of the exhibits there are in German!

This museum shows lots of different crime-related stuff like paintings, evidences of past crimes and even weapons used. It also involves bit of detective work, which was quite fun. Recommended! (Do get one audio guide if you don’t understand German as most of the stuff there are in German!)

Ok, let’s do and see something less scary LOL

Hundertwasser - 百水博物館,由人稱百水先生嘅著名奧地利畫家暨雕塑家喺 1991 年開設。佢嘅作品主題主要係顏色、結構同直線
有錢人嘅蹤跡確實係無處不在 LOL


有得玩又點可以唔玩呢?又係用證就可以免費使用嘅一個 item - City Cruises Vienna (City Cruises Vienna – DDSG Blue Danube)

More elegantly established architecture

One thing that I would like to emphasize the most about Vienna is, the variety of their architectural style.  You will literally see many beautifully established buildings or attractions ANYWHERE, ranging from Gothic to Baroque.  You have my word, not even exaggerating.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral, a Romanesque Church established in 1137. Reconstructed after a great fire in 1258 and remained same style, however, more and more Gothic elements were being added since 1304’s expansion and therefore has the current appearance.
Let’s not forget about St. Charles Church, a second to none architectural curiosity and a mix of ancient Greek, Roman elements with Renaissance, Byzantine and Baroque styles. Concerts will sometimes be held at this church, tap here for more info.

It’s common to see people cycling here in Vienna, they even have an installment for calculating bike riders :O

Themed park

Wurstelprater, one famous amusement park in Vienna where most people will go there for sunset. It is also where the Wiener Riesenrad situated!

Danube Tower

Wonderful spot to overview the entire city, wasn’t the best weather but still satisfying 😀
Free entry for Vienna Pass holders, souvenir notes may also be found on the floor of observation terrace (ain’t the official Euro note Souvenir but the one recognized by the World Federation of Great Towers, tho)

Time flies…

Thank you for watching til here, that would be it for today!  Will see you all in our next blog, trip to Budapest, Hungary!

ok let’s look at some of the beautiful postcards bought in this trip <3