
Sorry for not being consistent with my blogs, as my second semester is keeping me really busy. There are a bunch of things happening in university as the final year undergraduates and getting ready for their graduation and the rest of the undergraduates are waiting for their 3 month break, FYI: I envy them so much. As each day passes I get reminded of the remaining days I have left in this amazing university, that has given me the opportunity to meet so many great people, among whom will be my friends for the rest of my life. It is going to hurt so bad when I have to finally leave this university, which is just 4 months away. I dread the day already.

On a more happy note, Annual General Meetings (AGM) for the societies of the Students Union were conducted during the past month. As I am a part of the Indian Students Association, I took part in the ISA’s AGM. As I am used to ballot votes and nothing else, the type of voting that takes place here amused me. We had to raise our hands up for the candidate we are rooting for, and the committee members of the Students Union will count the votes and announce the result then and there. Initially, I thought it is going to be really hard to conduct this kind of election, but the election for the committee members for the ISA took place smoothly. I was quite intrigued myself to know who would vote for whom, as it was not anonymous and this made the voting a lot more fun. Two members of the Battle of Bollywood dance crew are currently the President and Vice President of the society and I am so proud of them. Look out for amazing events that they organize in the academic year, as unfortunately I will not be here to witness it.

A special thanks to the students who are reading my blogs, and I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am enjoying writing it.
