Familiar Colours of fun

Heeyylloo to all readers !!!


You would not believe if I told you that we celebrated Holi last week in the university premises on a massive lawn. So I have photographic proof that we did with the link to the facebook page of the union’s very own Indian Student Association. We have had Diwali pooja, Diwali club night, Makarsankranti and many more events and despite of celebrating after 2 months, Holi still turns out to be the biggest event organized by the ISA, because colour does not see culture race or background. All you need is a cup of yellow, green or purple and your’e part of the ISA family celebrating India’s messiest and most chaotic festival.

Posted by Indian Students Association Surrey – ISA on Thursday, 17 May 2018

So, now you know how you can find out how many Indians reside around you at Surrey…just host a festive event and you enjoy counting all of them. I literally saw students getting out of the library and heading to the fields to join us or at least see all of us play. Its not a mystery how happy and excited all everyone looked because of the music, colors and the company of 300 students at least. I still have a little bit of color behind my ear but I am sure everyone out there felt how worth those 3 hours were. It was unfortunate the previous year how the weather was tremendously cold and it was raining, but it could never suppress the enthusiasm the students felt for the festival year after year. All in all, another successful event safely surpassed.

The real fun however starts back home, in the bathroom, when you have to battle your way to cleanliness, scrubbing out all the layers of color. But the fun didn’t stop there for my flatmates and I, when one of them decided to pull us four out to play cricket on the street outside our house. It was definitely a stress buster day from the hectic week the university has been having with last week of lectures and revision classes to students packing up libraries all day long. Even I don’t know if i could get space in the library as soon as I get out of this office. But it is the reminiscence of such days that even the most stressful coursework and exam ceases to exist in our minds for those moments. It is not just these days that remind us of how lucky we are, but it is surprisingly the weather in Surrey as well. We have finally been lifted from the lazy freezing nights, when we spent most of the day covered up in layers to the extent that only our eyes could be seen. This has changed to lazy sunny days, where we can sit in the back lawn in our shorts, enjoying the blossoming of a variety of flower that I have never seen before frankly.

You must be thinking how active we are here at Surrey, and I can assure you that we are all day long till 3 am in the night, because that’s the time when all the clubs in Guildford close. And I am sure we are going to be very active till the end of this week since this is the final week Rubix (the university’s very own club) open their Wednesday’s Citrus & Friday’s Flirt (two branded club events held every Wednesday and Friday throughout the semester except for exam period). This I believe, is another experience for the development of students as they mingle and dance responsibly. you know what I mean…

Anyways I am unsure of how the exams are going to turn out, because all I have is coursework submissions this week till the 29th of May, after which I am a free bird probably flying off to travel around UK. But do pray for the ones who will be out there in Lecture theaters and study halls, fighting for their marks and grades with pens and pencils, to emerge victorious on the other end of the semester. Those who did not attend Holi, really didn’t have much fun this week I’m sure but it can all change tonight.