Surrey meets India

An insight into life at Surrey from three current Indian students.

Semester 2

Hi all, After a week off, the second semester has started. Students Union is rocking with upcoming events and trips in February and March. Students Union here in Surrey are very active and they come up with many events and even they are quiet good offering volunteering services.  And I’m eagerly looking forward for it. There are day […]

Second Semester

Phew! It is already the second semester and my time here at the university is almost coming to an end. I cannot believe that one semester has already passed, because it doesn’t feel so. Being a Masters student, I only have the opportunity to stay here at the campus for a year, and it feels like […]

Unanticipated visit to London Eye

  Hi Guys, Hope you are doing well. It has been so long that I wrote to you, I was busy with my exams and promise to be in touch regularly from now. I’m so lucky to be in the University today because it snowed heavily yesterday night and University looks like it has been […]

My First Snow

Its exam week and I am at my uncle’s place because I don’t have exams. I am at Leeds, one of the largest cities in England. This place is filled with Asians all around and we do not feel left out even for a second. My aunt keeps feeding me Indian food all day and […]

New Year’sEve 2014

The last night of 2014 and the first morning of 2015, this New Years Eve was one of the best ones I have ever had. It was my first New Year’s away from family, and it was hard because traditionally New Year’s Eve would be spent in church with all my family members, and proceeds […]

End of year Lunch

University has reopened after the winter holidays. Two weeks of merriment and happiness celebrating Christmas and New Year is finally over. It is 2015, a new year and a new start. Being an International student and moreover an Indian, visiting my hometown during the holiday was expensive, so I chose to stay back in Guildford […]

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