Reviewing IHTM Final Year Semester 1




Hello. Calendar always suprises me…March has arrived hopefully with a spring wind! This winter, Guildford did not get to be too cold. Minus mark didn’t appeare so many times on the weather forecast. Though it had been a bit stormy for the last few weeks….Okay I feel like I am always talking about the weather at the beginning of my blog. Apparently I am pretending to be British. Anyways…

Today, I am writing about the modules that I took last semester; semester 1 of the final year of International Hospitality Management (IHOM). I’ve heard some modules have changed or are different for my juniors, but hopefully something on this blog can be helpful for the readers.


International Business Strategy


これは色んな学部合同の授業でした。Businessの生徒やAccountingの生徒、Human Resource Managementの生徒など色々な生徒がいたようで、大きなレクチャーホールが2回満席になる大人数です。400人くらい入るレクチャーホールなのですが……。International Hospitality & Tourism Management (IHTM) の必修科目 (Hospitalityだけの人は必修ではなかったよう)。(私のなかでは)この学期中一番challengingな教科でした。

聞いたことのないコンセプトが数多く登場し、数スライドで次に移っていきます。また、「答えがない分野」と教授も言う通り、色んな視点や考え方が出てくるため、バックグランドがない状態で挑むと全体像が見えづらい。Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)、Firm Specific Assets (FSAs)、Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)、Institutional Theory、 Relational View等を事前に予習しておくのがオススメです。


また、今年(今年)、この科目は、教授がものすごく生徒に寄り添ってくださいました (去年からモジュールリーダーが変わり、方針も変わったようです)。何百人もの生徒がいるなか、「メール」と「スカイプ相談」を受け付けているという……本当にすごい。「課題の進捗状況とか、質問したいこととか、私の空いている時間を教えるのでみんな予約してね。授業前の朝7:30とかも空けるし、土日も出来る限り時間を空けるし、夜のほうが頭が冴えるって人のために深夜1時の時間も確保しておくから」と……少し心配になってしまいました。この辺り(メールを受け付けるか等)の方針や考え方は授業やモジュールリーダーによって違います。ただひとつ言えるのは、とても「生徒のやる気に答えたい」という思いの強い教授でした。


This was a shared module with students from other departments, Business students, Accounting students, HR students etc…many students! Two lecture sessions took place every week at the largest lecture theatre. The theatre, capacity of 400, was full for either session (!) This module was compulsory for IHTM students, while was not for IHM students. I would say this was the most challenging module for me last semester.

A number of unfamiliar terms and concepts appeared on the slides, and as the lecturer said “there’s no right answer”, different perspectives and ideas are discussed widely. So it was difficult (for me who did not have business knowledge) to see the whole clear picture. I should have read a bit about Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Firm Specific Assets (FSAs), Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), Institutional Theory, Relational View etc. before the semester started.

The positive point of this module is that you can learn the fundamentals of “internationalisation process” in one semester. Taking a business module that is taken by actual business students (final year) is really cool.

But this means it could be very challenging. Business was not a very familiar area for me, and it was compulsory even if it’s not my primary interest. I understand the importance of business knowledge for IHTM careers, but you know, it is also challenging to deal with a lot of new concepts and terminologies that are not very intriguing… I mean it was nice to have something challenging though!

Just to add, the module leader of this module this year was really caring students. Based on the feedback last year, she welcomed all the emails and individual Skype consultations. But, you know, there are approx. 700 or 800 students! “If you want some quick feedbacks for your assignment progress, please email and book my time for Skype consultation!” I was a bit worried when she sent us an email saying her available time covered weekends, pre-lecture time (early morning) and some midnights (1am)… Though different lecturers have different opinion about receiving emails, I can say that she was really eager to respond to the hardworking students.


Applied Research in Tourism, Hospitality & Events


科目名の通り、リサーチをする科目でした。学部に関係あればなんでも、好きなテーマについて研究することができます。毎週の授業は研究の方法に関する内容、例えば「Quantitative Research」や「Qualitative Research」、「Text Analysis」など。教授との面談を挟みつつ、6000 words (+1500 words の振り返りエッセイ)を個人で完成させます。

個人的にはとても楽しみました。語学に興味があったので、Language Barrierに関連づけて……「Google TranslateやPocketalk、ili等の翻訳機がどのように使われていてなにが課題か」をテーマに設定しました。方法はオンラインレビューのText Analysis。量的・質的に考察しました。


大変だった点は……やはり6000 wordsの研究と1500 wordsのエッセイを3ヶ月強で書ききらなくてはならないということ。他の科目の提出レポートやテストもあるので、学期を通してとにかく時間がありませんでした。学生生活最後の年なので、もう少し遊んだり他のこともしたかった……。と言いつつ、テスト後に3週間の休みができてパリ旅行・ロンドン旅行をしたりもしていたので、万一私の生活を案じてくださった人がいらっしゃいましたら私は実は遊んでます。 とりあえず、私のような英語力と効率の悪さでも乗り切れました。


As the name of the module says, this was the module for individuals to conduct a research. Any theme was fine as long as the one is related to the degree. The weekly class contents were related to the researching such as “quantitative research”, “qualitative analysis” and “text analysis”. Individuals were expected to submit a research of 6000 words and a reflective essay of 1500 words.

I personally really enjoyed. Being interested in language, I chose a theme that’s something like “how travellers perceive the Machine Translations such as Google Translate, Pocketalk and ili”. I conducted text analysis in both quantitative and qualitative ways.

The positive point of this module was that you can do what you want to. I would recommend this module to those who are interested in academe.

The challenging part was … writing 6000+1500 in 3 and half months. And you will have other assignments from other three modules as well. So…you know how the things will be in the final year. I am glad that I had three weeks of vacation after everything to enjoy some student life.


Hotel Revenue Management


この授業はとても楽しかったです。第2学年で行ったようなシミュレーションがこの科目にも登場しました。5人程度のグループで、シミュレーション内のホテルをひとつ経営します。科目内の他のグループがCompetitors。前のシミュレーションよりもシンプルで、「Revenue Management」に焦点が当たっていると感じました。



内容も面白かったです。サービスやオペレーションとはまた違った視点。ADRやRevPar, Occupancyといった基本的な話は勿論、他にも予約経路の授業ではそれぞれの経路 (直接予約、OTA予約等) の利点欠点を見たり、Rate ParityやRate Integrity等のコンセプトを学んだり。Customer Segmentationでは、客のタイプによってbehaviourが違うということを見たりでした。例えば、観光客はビジネス客 (費用の一部が会社負担だったりする) よりもPrice Sensitiveだ、といったようなことをもう少し詳細に学びます。「だからシミュレーションでビジネス客への料金は高めにしよう」とか、半実践的に学べました。


I did simulation in this module, which was quite similar to the one I did in Operations Analysis in the second year. So a group of five will operate a hotel and will compete with other groups within the module. What I was required to do was simpler than the one I did past…or in other words, the simulation in this module was rather focused on “revenue management” than operation as a whole.

The second year’s simulation covered, such as, room rate, the number of staff for each job (there were so many different jobs!!!), F&B price and food quality…I cannot remember everything! On the other hand, the one this year only focuses on room rates and advertisement fees. So it was clear what I had to do. Different prices can be set on different segments, different booking sources, or weekdays/weekends. The group report needed to cover the strategies, the results and likely reasons of the results.

I like the lecture style of the lecturer. Everything she says is clear. And the atmosphere is rather casual (not too serious or frightening). And the module contents were interesting as well. In the lectures, I learnt, for example, the advantages and disadvantages of each distribution channel and the concepts of Rate Parity and Rate Integrity etc. as well as the basic stuff like ADR, RevPar and Occupancy. Customer segmentation was also covered. “Different groups of people might have different requirements”. Say, business travellers are said to be price insensitive compared to leisure tourists (because the cost of their stay is paid or subsidised by their company). So probably in the simulation, business traveller could be priced a bit high? or there might be other factors to consider. It was fun.


International Hospitality Operations Management


ホスピタリティのオペレーションの授業。基礎的な要素が強かった気がします。ただ、いままで見たのとはまた違うコンセプトからのアプローチでした。「会社が成功するには、Seven KAR (Productivity, Asset Protection, Income, Customer Demand, Service, Employee Performance, and Quality) を上手く管理する必要がある」というのが中心的な内容。それぞれの項目を週にひとつずつ学びます。

内容自体はそこまでハードではなかったので、いままで学んだことを整理しつつ取り組むというのにちょうど良いなと感じました。個人レポート課題の「任意のレストランに行き、そこのオペレーションを観察して、それがレストランが提示しているコンセプトに見合っているかどうか (コンセプトに合ったサービスを提供しているかどうか) を考察する」のは実践的で、かつ、いままで習った知識 (Service blueprint等) を使ってみたりもできて面白かったです。


This was the module for learning the operations of hospitality companies. I felt the contents were rather basic compared to other modules, probably because I had done several modules regarding to service delivery. But the the way of approaching it was different from the past modules. “Seven KRAs (Productivity, Asset Protection, Income, Customer Demand, Service, Employee Performance, and Quality) are important for a hospitality company to succeed”. Lecture and seminar each week discussed each of the KARs.

This module was not too hard. At least there were not too many new concepts like IBS module. So for me, it was a good opportunity to put the hospitality knowledge having learnt together. The individual report was “go to any restaurant, observe the operation, and analyse whether the operation meets its service concept”. It was really interesting.


以上、四科目でした。International Hospitality & Tourismでは「卒論 (dissertation)」はありません。第1、第2学年と同様、前期四科目、後期四科目です。今後色々と変わったりするかもは知れませんが、少しでも幸いになりましたら幸いです。

Thanks for reading, and please be safe from the virus!