Surrey meets Japan

The experiences of a Japanese student at Surrey

5 Items to Take to the UK as an International Student

Have you thought about what to take to your studying abroad? If even one important thing is forgotten after your departure, you might start thinking about it a lot while being anxious about your survival. Although my standpoint is always “Everything will be alright”, it is a great thing to prepare. Therefore, I would like […]

Trips of a Student from University of Surrey during Holidays

There are many reasons to travel. In this blog, I would like to share my findings through my travels. List of Contents London One of the most popular places to visit in the UK is London. From the train station in Guildford, where the University of Surrey is located, it takes only about 35 minutes […]

Language Support at University of Surrey

List of Contents What ELSP is ELSP stands for English Language Support Program. Students at the University of Surrey are able to take classes besides the classes of their own course for free. There are classes covering various things, such as academic writing, academic vocabulary, critical thinking, speaking skills, and more. In addition to the […]

Students’ Budget Recipes – Lunch Edition

If you have read my previous post, Budget Recipes for Students – Spaghetti Edition, you can take some of them as lunch to school. At the University of Surrey, there are microwaves that you can use on campus, so you do not need to worry about the taste going bad due to the temperature changing. […]

Students’ Budget Recipes – Spaghetti Edition

It might sound challenging to start preparing and budgeting your own meals at first right after the start of school. However, there are some spaghetti recipes that are easy and very affordable. Therefore, I would like to introduce some of those today as a Japanese student, who loves spaghetti, at the University of Surrey. List […]

Accommodation Experience at University of Surrey

List of Contents Type of Accommodations There are several types of accommodations at the University of Surrey. First, there are some locations for accommodations, which are on-campus and off-campus such as Manor Park and Hazel Farm. In terms of the off-campus accommodations, students living there commute to school mainly by walking, bus, or bike. Secondly, […]

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