Surrey meets Latin America

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Latin American student

Colours Youth Festival vlog + blog

VLOG Hi! I disappeared last week because I decided to try something different and vlog the Colours Youth Festival, but it was my first time doing something like that and I severely underestimated the amount of time and effort that it takes (especially when you don’t have a clue what you’re doing and you’re learning […]

Year 3 week 2!

Hi! I was thinking about making a blog post on a specific subject unrelated to my week but my week has been so eventful that I decided to just blog about what’s going on with me. Even though it’s just week 2 I already have a lot of coursework to hand in, lots of exercise […]

Year 3 second semester is a go!

Hi! It’s been a while, last semester has been the worst semester I’ve had by far. After being at the hospital I spent a lot of time playing catchup and recovering and I ended up having to apply for extenuating circumstances for all of my in semester test which meant 100% of my grade for […]

Year 3 updates + hospital experience

Hi! I didn’t get a chance to blog last week because I spent the week at the hospital so I thought I’d talk a bit about what that was like and then just give a general catch up about how the semester is going! I arrived to the hospital on an ambulance and was put […]

Catch-up: Trans Super Camp, British Library and Spain!

Hi! I’m finally back after another unplanned hiatus, it kinda feels like lately all my posts are big catch ups with promises to blog consistently but hopefully this time it will actually happen! Since my last post I finished my summer research project (or I guess, the time for the project ended, you can’t really […]

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