With exams fast approaching, we want to help you find the best place to study.

Library+ is returning Monday 4 – Friday 22 January, to provide over 100 additional study spaces just a short walk away from the Library in the Lewis Carroll Building (AC03). These will be suitable for individual, quiet study, and each room will display a total occupancy number on the door so that you can study safely. These seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so there is no need to book these in advance.
Studying in the Library?
Don’t forget, if you’re looking to study in the Library, you will need to book your seat in order to gain access, either online or via the Juno StudyTime app (using SUR as the institution code and your IT login details). You can find out more about our booking system here: https://library.surrey.ac.uk/library-update
Priority seating for Final Years
Priority silent study space for final years can also be booked through our study space booking system, and is located in our silent room on Level 5. If you’re not sure where this is, please just speak to Library staff or our Security team, who will be happy to point you in the right direction!