Black History Month 2020

Since 2018 the Library alongside the SU has been running a student-staff partnership project based around broadening collections in the Library and celebrating the diversity of our student population. The Student Curator project has covered many themes ranging from celebrating Black History Month and LGBT History Month, focusing on Health Learning to Empowering Women. 

This year, we haven’t had the chance to work with a Student Curator to mark Black History Month with a physical display, a curated collection and the chance to host events in our spaces. So this year we are taking to social media, and using the month to focus on the Black experience and reflect and enjoy on how our past Student Curators, Joel and Ajay, have critically appraised how we engage with decolonising and diversifying our collections and the national ‘Liberate My Curriculum” campaigns. We will be re-visiting their selections, their ideas and sharing their discoveries from our collections and inviting you to share your suggestions with us.

Our past Student Curators have developed real world skills or project, budget and team management alongside gathering physical and virtual displays in the library of books, digital resources and materials from our Archives. The Student Curators have added over 300 new titles to the library collections and for Black History Month 2020 we are looking back and enjoying some of these selections.  We hope you do to.