What is Malaysian Society Surrey?

Hi everyone, is Alicia here! I have currently been elected as the president of the Malaysian Society Surrey for the academic year of 2022/23. As a student ambassador as well as president of Malaysian Society Surrey, I want to use this blog post to provide more information about what we do during our social events as the Malaysian Society Surrey. If you are a Malaysian that is a prospective student, fresher or current student that has yet to sign up to our society, we hope to see you at the 2022 freshers fair as we will be promoting our society at the event.

Malaysian society is a society operated by students with the main objective of uniting Malaysian students that are studying at the University of Surrey. We aim to organise social events once a month during the academic year to allow students to have the opportunity to meet and socialise with other Malaysian students. We also organise events in conjunction with the celebration of Diwali, Aidilfitri and Chinese New Year, food is definitely included in all celebration social events so do come and bring your friends along!

As this is a student-run society, every academic year there will be an AGM to elect the new committee members for the Malaysian society to ensure that the society will continue to be running instead of being dormant. If you are keen on joining the committee team of the Malaysian society, do not hesitate to contact me via email (cw01225@surrey.ac.uk) or DM us on Instagram (surreymalaysian). Joining the committee team will allow you to take charge of how you want the Malaysian society to be run and also gain many skills that can help boost your CV.

Here are a few highlights of the past events hosted by the Malaysian Society:

Diwali Feast

Chinese New Year potluck

Christmas social event

We also sell merchandise to help us increase our society fund, here is the hoodie design made by the 2021/22 committee member (shoutout to Tricia Lai for the design!)

We hope to see more students in our future events if you are joining the University of Surrey in the academic year of 2022/23. We hope to see you soon and get to know you better! If you have any questions regarding the university, society or Guildford, do not hesitate to contact us on our social media platform. We will get back to you as soon as possible!