Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Part-time work at Surrey!

Apa khabar everyone 🙂 The 2017 SEA Games are underway back home and has been very exciting to follow. Malaysia Boleh! Anyways, for today’s post, I shall be blogging about working part-time whilst studying here at Surrey University during both term and holiday time We all know studying in the UK can be quite taxing […]

What to bring to Surrey!

Hi there! Firstly, congratulations on A-Level results for all those who received it yesterday! I’m sure you’ve all done splendidly 😀 I still remember sitting in my room and receiving an email from Surrey University stating that I had been accepted. I immediately rang my mum and was crying hysterically, so much so that she […]

Open Days at Surrey!

Hello Hello! I’ve had quite a busy week, holidaying in Edinburgh and house/flat hunting in Swindon. I start my graduate job at the end of Sept! 🙂 Anyways, today I thought I’d do a throwback post about working at Surrey University’s Open Day on the 30th and 1st July. Firstly, everyone is welcome to Open […]

五月 | 天

消聲匿跡了一整個月。 只因為第二學期把人忙成狗。從五月一號開始的論文deadline,到無限期的活動,論文,義工,各種交替之後;留下的是忽瘦(忙得沒時間吃)忽胖(解脫後的狂吃)的痕跡,還有對人生成長過程認知的人性。有快樂、有憤怒、有委屈、有不平、有失望更有絕望……對於五月的概括大約就是:人生而為人,有所為有所不為,對得起自己良心才好。 感恩篇 五月是我的生日月,也是我們整個學年最忙的一個月。生日那天,我沒期待的慶生,卻在情義相挺的朋友中「暗中勾(行)結(事)」而大家得以聚首,一頓晚飯很短,但是那點時間,都是大家死擠硬擠挪出來的時段。整個本該高級的餐廳,被我們搞得吵翻天……我們錯了。 😅滿滿的儘是溫暖的回憶與片言隻語,給的卻是無法忘懷的革命友情。 大家互相支持,互相聆聽,互相扶持。沒有心機,沒有害人之心,曾幾何時變得那麼珍貴,卻又讓我那麼幸運地遇到了這一班人。外地生活不易,能遇到一班聊得來還不互相傷害的很少。我們無條件支持+捧場對方的活動,幾乎沒視對方為競爭對手。兩個星期四個活動,根本就跑趴馬拉松,但我們真的沒在玩,真心。只是寄學習寓娛樂。獲得什麼?沒什麼,就是拍爛掌聲的手+因尖叫而變啞的嗓還有無限溫暖回憶。 辦個活動,自己動用了全世界在幫忙與支持。家人、家人的朋友、的朋友,還有以前在林肯一起唸書的他們,聽我發牢騷,幫我宣傳。世界上最難還的人情債,全在這活動裡欠下了。現在我無德無能,只能用最感恩的心,去祝禱你們的好運🍀,也願在我能力之內還債。 😊這大約也是,世上我欠的最溫暖的債務。

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