Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

First few weeks at Surrey Uni; useful tips to keep in mind :)

Hi there!

It’s been a while. I’ve now been on placement for 3+ months and let me tell you, it’s been such a rewarding and eye opening experience! To all future students, don’t miss out on completing a placement year while at Surrey University.

It’s the week of Freshers’ & I hope each of you really took advantage of the Freshers’ Fayre as well as Active Freshers’ Fayre. It’s the best way to meet new people. I think the best advice I was ever given was that everyone is probably as nervous as I am. Thus, it only takes a friendly hello to break that awkward silence and make a new friend.

The first week of lectures commences this week and I’m sure each of you is eagerly looking forward to learning new material related to your respective courses of study. It can be quite daunting to be in a new place with new people in new surroundings learning material. So if ever you feel the need to speak to someone, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Surrey University provides amazing support for students. Each student is given a personal tutor who is there to guide and provide advice on academic related issues. There’s the international Student Support center as well as the Center for Wellbeing who are all here to offer support to Surrey students.

Definitely get yourself registered with the NHS on campus as soon as possible; it’s located opposite Millennium House accommodation. Believe me, there really is such as thing as Freshers’ flu! Many societies will be having Meet & Greets in the following weeks to come; definitely go along. I’ve met some amazing people at these events and they’re now my closest friends 🙂

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment on this post, drop us an email at / or drop us a message on our Facebook page

Have a wonderful first week here at Surrey! Remember, Wonderful Things Happen here 😀

Till next time; Selamat tinggal!




Goodbye for the time being

Hai there! How’s everyone been? Most Surrey University students are now on summer break for the next 3+ months till we begin again in September 2015. The only university related event for most of us will be in 2 weeks time when our year end examinations results are results; fingers crossed! Besides that, Graduation Ball […]

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