Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Highlights of the year

Hi guys! Apa khabar? Done with exams? If not, hang in there…we are all in this together! I still have one more paper and then I am done with my second year. I’m actually unsure if I am happy about it or upset that the year went by so quickly. This year has been an […]

Finding a buddy & what to bring from home

Hello there! It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for us Surrey students as exams are in full swing at the moment. I myself have completed two papers and am diligently revising for my final paper which is on the 15th of June; after which is sweet, sweeett freedom! Coming here can be quite daunting […]

Bits and Bobs (MSS Dinner, GGA & International Student Exchanges)

Hello everyone! Today’s post is going to have bits and bobs on different things, as mentioned in the title. Last night was the Malaysia Student Society Surrey’s Annual Dinner 2015. The theme of the night was Simply Red and my oh my, everyone was dressed to impress!   The event was held at Wates House, […]

Securing a UK Driving License

Thinking about wanting to drive? Well, here’s some information on how to go about it! Hi there, it’s the end of the week and I could be more TGIF right now! With exams a mere 10 days away, the library has morphed into my second home. Firstly, unfortunately, Malaysian licenses cannot be converted automatically in […]

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