Paper of Martin Wolf published in Letters in Mathematical Physics

LMP The paper “Six-dimensional superconformal field theories from principal 3-bundles over twistor space“, co-authored by Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt University) and Martin Wolf has been published in Letters in Mathematical Physics.  In the paper they construct manifestly superconformal field theories in six dimensions which contain a non-Abelian tensor multiplet.  In particular, they show how principal 3-bundles over a suitable twistor space encode solutions to these self-dual tensor field theories via a Penrose–Ward transform. The resulting higher or categorified gauge theories significantly generalise those obtained previously from principal 2-bundles in that the so-called Peiffer identity is relaxed in a systematic fashion.  They thus arrive at the non-Abelian differential cohomology that describes principal 3-bundles with connective structure.  A link to the electronic version of the paper is here.