Naratip Santitissadeekorn speaks at EnKF Workshop in Norway

fretheim-hotel Naratip Santitissadeekorn is in Norway this week (8-10 June) for the 10th International Workshop on Ensemble Kalman Filtering, held at the Fretheim Hotel, Flåm, Sognefjord (shown in the picture on the left).  The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and its many variants have been proven effective for data assimilation in large models, including those in atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic, and petroleum reservoir systems.  The workshop will bring together technical experts, practitioners, researchers and students working in the area of ensemble Kalman filtering for presentations and informal interchange of information. Naratip is speaking on Wednesday on “Data Assimilation for a criminal model using EnKF“. The webpage for the workshop is here.