Matthew Turner seminar and research visit to the University of Colorado at Boulder

IMG_1650 Matthew Turner is on a two-week research visit, returning 22 April, to the University of Colorado in Boulder visiting Patrick Weidman, who is a world leading experimentalist and theoretician on fluid sloshing in moving vessels.  Also on this visit Matthew gave a research seminar in the `Nonlinear Waves’ seminar series in the Mathematics Department on Tuesday the 12th of April entitled “Time-dependent conformal mappings with applications to nonlinear sloshing problems“. This visit was funded by a London Mathematical Society travel grant and topped up by the University of Surrey Faculty Research Support Fund.  During his visit, Matt did some climbing in the Rocky Mountains reaching 13,000 feet above sea level.  The picture to the left shows Matt endeavouring to orient himself on the mountain (clicking on the picture will help with the orientation).