Paper of Mirco di Gioia and Jan Gutowski on supersymmetry and supergravity published in JHEP

The paper “Supersymmetric dS_4 solutions in D = 11 supergravity“, co-authored by Mirco di Gioia and Jan Gutowski, has been published in the Journal of High Energy Physics. It is published open access and is freely available (link here). In the paper, the necessary and sufficient conditions for warped product dS4 solutions in D = 11 supergravity to be supersymmetric are determined. The Killing spinor is associated with two possible stabilizer groups, SU(3) and G2. The paper shows that there are no solutions to the Killing Spinor equations in the G2 stabilizer case. For the SU(3) stablilzer case, all of the conditions imposed from supersymmetry on the 4-form flux, and the geometry of the internal manifold, are determined in terms of SU(3) invariant spinor bilinears. The work of Mirco is supported by a scholarship from the Surrey Doctoral College.