Laura Jones and Anne Skeldon were in Portland Oregon last week 14-18 May attending the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS23), held at the Hilton Hotel (see photo of hotel below). Laura presented joint work with Dave Lloyd on “Efficacy and Neighbourhoods, Or How the Community’s Actions Affect Crime Rates“, in session CP24 (link here) on Social Science and Economics. Anne was an invited mini-symposium speaker in session MS170 (link here) on Phase Transitions in Electrophysiological Systems. She spoke on joint work with Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre), Gianne Derks (Leiden) and Paul Glendinning (Manchester). Anne‘s talk title was “Non-Smooth Dynamics of Sleep-Wake Regulation: from Circle Maps to Influencing Policy“. Dave Lloyd was also a co-author on a paper presented by Dan Hill (Saarbrucken) in MS103 (link here) on “Going Around in Circles: A Radial Spatial Dynamic Theory for Fully Localised 2D Patterns“.