Anne Skeldon speaks on biological rhythms at the biennial meeting of the SRBR in Puerto Rico

Anne Skeldon is in San Juan, Puerto Rico this week (18-22 May) to attend and speak at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR, link here). Anne points out that there are not too many mathematicians at these meetings so it a privilege to get to speak. She spoke on Wednesday on her recent paper in PLOS Computational Biology (blog report here, based on joint work with Derk-Jan Dijk and others at the Surrey Sleep Research Centre). It was an opportunity to discuss how mathematical models could be used to help people with sleep timing problems. The title of Anne‘s talk was “Method to determine whether sleep phenotypes are driven by endogenous circadian rhythms or environmental light by combining longitudinal data and personalised mathematical models“. A photo of the setup for Anne’s talk is shown below.