Stanislaw Biber and David Lloyd were at DeMorgan House in London last night (Wednesday 27 November) for the presentation of the IMA David Youdan medal. The prize, awarded every two years (first awarded in 2022), was given to Prof. Alan Champneys from the School of Engineering Mathematics at the University of Bristol. Although 16 years apart, both David and Stanislaw did their PhDs under Alan’s supervision (Dave starting in 2002 and Stanislaw starting in 2018), so it was a splendid opportunity to see their former supervisor celebrated in that way. Information about the medal can be found on the IMA website (link here). The prize is awarded to an IMA member for their outstanding contribution to the aims and objectives of the IMA. Alan Champneys has been a member of the Institute for many years, being one of the editors of its Journal of Applied Mathematics and is well known for his contributions to the Mathematics Today with his regular “Westward Ho!” articles. Below is a photograph from the evening.