Anne Skeldon was in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, from 12-14 November for two events. A public outreach event called ILIAD, hosted by the Intelligent Lighting Institute, was held on the 12th and on 13th-14th, the 2024 IEEE Sustainable Smart Lighting Conference was held (link here). On the 12th, Anne was part of a panel discussion on “Will AI make research into human aspects of lighting obsolete”. The panel was chaired by Yvonne de Kort (Eindhoven University). Anne was joined on the panel by Fetze Pijlman (Principal Scientist at Signify) and Martijn Wilemsen (Eindhoven University) and together the panel fielded questions from the audience. On the 13th Anne was the opening keynote speaker (program here) and she spoke on “Quantitative modelling of the effect of light on human sleep and circadian timing: digital twins for sleep and circadian health?” The audience included those who measure and design lighting as well as those who carry out research on the effect of light on people. This was an excellent opportunity for Anne to present her work with Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre) and others. The photos below show Anne during her keynote talk, and the second shows Anne at a panel discussion.