Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Michelle Grant passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Michelle Grant for passing her PhD viva today (Friday 29th May)! Michelle’s thesis is entitled “Data assimilation, tipping events and the importance of underlying dynamics“. The External Examiner was Dr Amos Lawless (Reading) and the Internal Examiner was Naratip Santitissadeekorn and the Chair of the viva was Philip Aston. Michelle was supervised by […]

UGPN awards PhD studentship for joint project between Wollongong and Surrey

The University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) has awarded a fully-funded PhD Studentship to James Rowe, a final year MMath student in Mathematics at Surrey. The studentship funds a project on “Dispersive solitary waves in colloidal media“. The supervisors at Wollongong are Tim Marchant and Noel Smyth (Edinburgh/Wollongong), and the supervisors at Surrey are Tom Bridges […]

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