Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Mark Groves visits from Universität des Saarlandes

Prof Dr Mark Groves visited the department the week of 19 August for research interaction with members of the department, predominantly interacting with “Team Ferrofluids” who are working on the theory of localised patterns at the surface of a ferrofluid. The photo below shows Mark (left) with the team: Dan Hill, Dave Lloyd, and Matt […]

Roberto Sisca passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Roberto Sisca for passing his PhD viva today!  The External Examiner was Mario Garcia-Fernandez ICMAT, Madrid), the Internal Examiner was Martin Wolf, and Alessandro Torrielli chaired the viva. Roberto‘s supervisor is Jock McOrist. The title of Roberto’s thesis is: Heterotic vacua and their universal geometry“.

Bin Cheng and Anna Kostianko speak at ICIAM 2019 in Spain

Bin Cheng and Anna Kostianko were in Valencia, Spain, the week of 15 July for ICIAM 2019, the largest international meeting devoted to applied mathematics, with over 4000 participants.  Anna gave a talk in Minisymposium ME-1-1 2 on “Inertial manifolds for 1D reaction-diffusion problems“.  Bin co-organised a four-part minisymposium ME-0-8 parts 4,5,6,7 on “Singular Limits […]

Stephen Gourley on research visit to National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan

Stephen Gourley spent one month this summer visiting the Department of Mathematics at the National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. He is involved in collaborative research projects in the area of mathematical ecology with Professor Feng-Bin Wang and Professor Sze-Bi Hsu. He also gave a course of eight lectures on delay differential equations and their applications […]

Paper of Tommaso Macrelli and Martin Wolf published in Physical Review D

The paper “Scattering amplitude recursion relations in BV quantisable theories“, co-authored by Tommaso Macrelli, Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt University), and Martin Wolf, has been published in Physical Review D.  Tree-level scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory satisfy a recursion relation due to Berends and Giele which yields the famous Parke-Taylor formula for MHV amplitudes. The paper shows […]

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