Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Carina Dunlop promoted to Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

Congratulations to Carina Dunlop who has been promoted by the University to Senior Lecturer in Mathematics.  Carina‘s research focusses on mathematical modelling of biological systems with emphasis on biophysics, mathematical physiology, and cancer biophysics.  Further info can be found at her website here. The promotion takes effect on 1 August 2019.

Three students undertaking summer research projects in pure mathematics

Three students are undertaking summer research projects in geometry and group theory. Lewis Napper, an undergraduate at Surrey, is undertaking a project with James Grant on “Curvature and low-regularity geometry“.  The project is funded by the London Mathematical Society. Sebastian Foulger, a student at Charters School in Sunningdale, is undertaking a summer project with David […]

Two undergraduate summer research projects in mathematical biology

Two undergraduate students in mathematics are undertaking summer research projects in mathematical biology. Reuban Harman-Mitchell is working with Anne Skeldon on “Mathematical modelling of REM/NREM sleep“.  This project is funded by an EPSRC undergraduate vacation internship, and is in collaboration with Prof Derk-Jan Dijk (SSRC, Surrey) and Gianne Derks. Cameron Cook is working with Carina […]

Paper of Alessandro Torrielli on relativistic invariance in AdS3 published in JHEP

The paper “The effectiveness of relativistic invariance in AdS_3“, co-authored by Andrea Fontanella (UAM/CSIC, Madrid, and former PhD student at Surrey), Olof Ohlsson Sax (Stockholm University and KTH), Bogdan Stefa\’nski (Perimeter Institute and City University), and, Alessandro Torrielli, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High Energy Physics.  The paper uses relativistic invariance […]

Tommaso Macrelli passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Tommaso Macrelli for passing his PhD confirmation examination today (Friday 12 July)!  The examiners were Jan Gutowski and Andrea Prinsloo . The title of Tommaso’s project is “The L-infinity origin of tree-level scattering amplitudes”. The principal supervisor is Martin Wolf and the second supervisor is Alessandro Torrielli.  Tommaso‘s latest preprint can be found […]

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