Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Conference on Geometric Quantum Mechanics held at Surrey

A one-day conference on Geometric Quantum Mechanics is being held today (Thursday 25 April) in the Department organised by Paul Skerritt.  Speakers include Michael Foskett, Simon Salamon (KCL), Gary Gibbons (Cambridge), Vladimir Kisil (Leeds), Benjamin Doyon (KCL), and Eva-Maria Graefe (Imperial). Details can be found at the AGM website here. It is the first of […]

Controversial opinion paper by Anne Skeldon and Derk-Jan Dijk published in Current Biology

The journal Current Biology has published an opinion paper entitled “School start times and daylight saving time confuse Californa lawmakers” co-authored by Anne Skeldon and Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Centre, FHMS).  The paper is published open access and is available electronically worldwide (link here).  The paper points out that two bills currently making their way […]

Paper of Bridges, Huang, and Tronci published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The paper “A variational principle for fluid sloshing with vorticity, dynamically coupled to vessel motion“, co-authored by Hamid Alemi Ardakani (University of Exeter), Tom Bridges, Francois Gay-Balmaz (Ecole Normale, Paris), Ying Huang, and Cesare Tronci, has been published today (Wednesday 17 April) by the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A. The paper shows […]

Oxley and Roulstone co-author a review paper based on the NERC-funded project on modelling intense rainfall

Andy Oxley and Ian Roulstone are co-authors of a review paper “Improvements in forecasting intense rainfall: results from the FRANC (Forecasting Rainfall Exploiting New Data Assimilation Techniques and Novel Observations of Convection) Project“.  A link to the published paper is here. The research in this paper was funded by NERC and included funding for Andy’s […]

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