Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

White paper on Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology co-authored by Gianne Derks

A white paper on “Best Practices to Maximize the Use and Reuse of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology Models: Recommendations From the United Kingdom Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology Network” has been published by the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (link here).  The white paper is co-authored by Gianne Derks and 12 other researchers from […]

Paper of Ian Morris on operator cocycles on Banach spaces appears in J. Differential Equations

The paper “Characterization of dominated splittings for operator cocycles acting on Banach spaces” co-authored by Alex Blumenthal (Maryland) and Ian Morris has just been published in the Journal of Differential Equations. The paper gives a partial extension of a criterion of Bochi and Gourmelon for the existence of a dominated splitting of a finite-dimensional linear […]

Michele Bartuccelli’s proof of the crest factor theorem published in Applied Maths Letters

The paper “On the nature of space fluctuations of solutions of dissipative partial differential equations” by Michele Bartuccelli has been published in the October 2019 issue of Applied Mathematics Letters.  A link to the published paper is here.  The paper proves a crest-factor theorem for the Swift-Hohenberg equation.  The “crest factor” is the ratio of […]

Brooks, Derks, and Skeldon at SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems in Snowbird USA

Jacob Brooks (DSPDEs Research Group), Gianne Derks, and Anne Skeldon (MoLSS Research Group) are in Snowbird, Utah, this week (19-23 May) for the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Jacob is speaking in MS20 (link here) on “Fronts in inhomogeneous wave equations“.  Gianne is speaking in MS69 (link here) on “One-dimensional periodic solutions in […]

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