Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Brooks, Derks, and Skeldon at SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems in Snowbird USA

Jacob Brooks (DSPDEs Research Group), Gianne Derks, and Anne Skeldon (MoLSS Research Group) are in Snowbird, Utah, this week (19-23 May) for the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Jacob is speaking in MS20 (link here) on “Fronts in inhomogeneous wave equations“.  Gianne is speaking in MS69 (link here) on “One-dimensional periodic solutions in […]

Alex Close passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Alex Close for passing his PhD viva! The viva took place today (15 May). The team of external examiners consisted of Alain Brizard (Professor at St Michael’s College, USA) and Darryl Holm (Professor at Imperial College).  The chair of the viva was Dorje Brody. The title of Alex‘s thesis is “Applications of geometric […]

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