Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Ian Morris appears in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

The paper “On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems” co-authored by Ian Morris and Pablo Shmerkin (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina) has been published in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. In the paper they show that the affinity dimension of a planar self-affine set is equal to […]

Paper of Stephen Gourley appears in the SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics

The paper “An integro-differential equation with variable delay arising in machine tool vibration” co-authored by Feng-Bin Wang (Chang Gung University, Taiwan), Stephen Gourley, and Yanyu Xiao (University of Cincinnati), has been published in the SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics. The paper rigorously derives and analyzes an integro-differential equation as a model for the possible onset […]

Dan Hill passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Dan Hill for passing his PhD confirmation examination today (Thursday 17 January)!  The examiners were Claudia Wulff and Tom Bridges. The title of Dan’s project is “Localised Radial Spots on the Surface of a Ferrofluid” and the project is supervised by Dave Lloyd with second supervisor Matt Turner.

Paper of Bin Cheng appears in book published by Cambridge University Press

The book Zonal Jets: Phenomenology, Genesis, and Physics will be published by Cambridge University Press at the end of February.  The book collects papers on zonal jets from across disciplines (atmospheric science, oceanography, planetary science, geophysical fluid dynamics, plasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics, and  turbulence theory). The book is edited by Boris Galperin (University of South Florida) […]

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