Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Anne Skeldon speaks at the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University

Anne Skeldon is visiting the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University tomorrow (23 November) to give a talk in the Mathematical Biology and Ecology Seminar Series. Her talk title is”Mathematical modelling of sleep and (other) daily biological rhythms: light, clocks and social jetlag“.  The talk is based on joint work with Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Centre) […]

Euan Littlejohns passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Euan Littlejohns for passing his PhD viva! The viva took place yesterday (20 November) and the photo left shows Euan at the post-viva celebration. The external examiner was Dr Rosemary Dyson (Birmingham) and the internal examiner was Matt Turner.  The title of Euan‘s thesis is “Continuum elasticity models for tissue growth and mechanotransduction”, […]

Turner-Weidman paper to appear in European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids

The paper “Impinging Howarth stagnation-point flows” co-authored by Matt Turner and Patrick Weidman (Univ of Colorado at Boulder) has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids. The paper presents new exact similarity solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations consisting of two impinging Howarth stagnation point flows. Numerical solutions are given to the […]

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