Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bailey-Derks-Skeldon paper on circle maps and sleep-wake regulation appears in Euro J Appl Maths

The paper “Circle maps with gaps: Understanding the dynamics of the two-process model for sleep–wake regulation“, co-authored by Matt Bailey, Gianne Derks, and Anne Skeldon has been published in the European Journal of Applied Mathematics. The paper studies the “two-process model”, which has played a central role in the understanding of sleep/wake regulation for over […]

Paper of Bevan and Deane on nonlinear elasticity appears in SIAM J Math Analysis

The paper “A calibration method for estimating critical cavitation loads from below in three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity“, co-authored by Jonathan Bevan and Jonathan Deane, has been published in the SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis.  A link to the published electronic version is here. In the paper they give an explicit sufficient condition for the affine lambda-map […]

Bin Cheng with teams at Exeter and Imperial awarded EPSRC grant on mathematics of slow-fast coupling in PDEs

A team lead by Beth Wingate (Exeter) and including Bin Cheng (Surrey), Colin Cotter (Imperial), and David Acreman (Exeter) has been awarded an £850k EPSRC grant for the project “On the way to the asymptotic limit: mathematics of slow-fast coupling in PDEs” (EPSRC link here). The grant runs till March 2021. The main motivation of […]

Philip Aston publishes a new model of Hepatitis C infection in a special issue of Viruses

The paper A new model for the dynamics of Hepatitis C infection: Derivation, analysis and implications by Philip Aston has been published in a special issue on mathematical modelling of viral infections in the journal Viruses. Some existing models of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are reviewed and inconsistencies between the models and known behaviour of the […]

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