Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Tom O’Neill passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Tom O’Neill for passing his PhD confirmation examination today (Tuesday 30 January)!  The examiners were Ian Roulstone and Jon Bevan. Tom‘s project title is “Validating the semigeostrophic equations as the vanishing Froude/Rossby number limit of the 3D Euler equations in the class of smooth solutions” and the project is supervised by Bin Cheng.

Michael Foskett passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Michael Foskett for passing his PhD confirmation this afternoon, Monday 29 January 2018. The examiners were Jan Gutowski and Alessandro Torrielli. The title of Michael‘s confirmation report is “A geometric mechanical approach to wavefunction factorisations in nonadiabatic dynamics“.  The project is supervised by Cesare Tronci.

Naratip Santitissadeekorn paper on data assimilation appears in Physica D

The paper “A coherent structure approach for parameter estimation in Lagrangian data assimilation“, co-authored by John Maclean (U North Carolina), Naratip Santitissadeekorn, and Christopher K.R.T. Jones (U North Carolina) has been published in the December 2017 issue of PhysicaD (link here).   The paper shows that coherent patterns can be used to form effective data assimilation […]

Cesare Tronci awarded funding for programme at MSRI Berkeley in Autumn 2018

Cesare Tronci has been appointed to a Research Membership at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at the University of California at Berkeley for the four month programme on Hamiltonian Systems.  The Research Membership provides local funding for four months and round-trip travel to San Francisco.  The programme will take place from 13 August 2018 to […]

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