Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

David Lloyd’s paper on pattern formation in ferrofluids to appear in Physica D

The paper “Pattern formation on the free surface of a ferrofluid: spatial dynamics and homoclinic bifurcation“, co-authored by Mark Groves (Saarbrucken, Germany), David Lloyd, and Athanasios Stylianou (Kassel, Germany) has been accepted for publication in Physica D.  The paper establishes the existence of spatially localised one-dimensional free surfaces of a ferrofluid near onset of the […]

Ian Roulstone awarded PhD studentship from NERC DTP for data assimilation project

The Reading-Surrey NERC-funded DTP on the SCience of the Environment: Natural and Anthropogenic pRocesses, Impacts and Opportunities (SCENARIO) has awarded Ian Roulstone a studentship for a project (joint with the UK Met Office) on “Optimal Mitigation of Sampling Error in Ensemble Data Assimilation“.  This studentship has been taken up by a candidate from Durham and […]

Gianne Derks gives Analysis Seminar at University of Bath

Gianne Derks is giving a talk in the Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar today (Thursday 2 March) at the University of Bath.  The title of her talk is “Existence and stability of fronts in inhomogeneous wave equations“.  In the talk, wave equations with finite length inhomogeneities are considered. The underlying Hamiltonian structure allows for a […]

Jock McOrist gives String Theory Seminar at Cambridge

Jock McOrist is giving a talk today (Thursday 2 March) in the String Theory Seminar at DAMTP, University of Cambridge.  The title of his talk is “A metric and geometry for heterotic moduli“.  Abstract: heterotic vacua, defined by certain 3 complex-dimensional manifolds with a holomorphic bundle admitting a connection satisfying hermitian Yang-Mills and an anomaly […]

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