Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Gianne Derks on month-long research visit to Australia

Gianne Derks is on a month-long research visit during July and August to Brisbane Australia, supported by a DECRA grant.  She is visiting Peter van Heijster who is at Queensland University of Technology. While there she will be speaking at the Joint Australia-Japan workshop on dynamical systems with applications in life sciences which will take […]

Matt Turner’s paper on sloshing in hyperbolic containers accepted to Physical Review Fluids

The paper “Coupled sloshing in hyperbolic containers suspended as a bifilar pendulum“, co-authored by Matt Turner and Patrick Weidman (University of Colorado, Boulder) has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. The paper investigates the coupled dynamics between a sloshing fluid and its container, which is suspended as a bifilar pendulum. The two containers […]

Alemi Ardakani paper on f-wave finite-volume methods appears in JFS

The paper “Adaptation of f-wave finite volume methods to the Boonkasame–Milewski non-Boussinesq two-layer shallow interfacial sloshing equations coupled to the vessel motion”, sole-authored by Hamid Alemi Ardakani, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluids and Structures.  In the paper f-wave finite-volume methods for the reduced two-layer inviscid, incompressible and immiscible shallow interfacial […]

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