Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Matt Turner’s paper on stagnation-point flows accepted to Euro J. Mechanics/B

The paper “Stagnation-point flows with stretching surfaces: A unified formulation and new results“, co-authored by Matt Turner and Patrick Weidman (University of Colorado, Boulder) has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids. The paper investigates the stability of stagnation point flows coupled to stretching surfaces below the flow. The theory presents a […]

Strömwall-Torrielli paper on superalgebras to appear in Journal of Physics A

The paper AdS3/CFT2 and q-Poincare’ superalgebras co-authored by Joakim Strömwall and Alessandro Torrielli, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics A. In the paper they discover that a certain deformation of the 1+1 dimensional Poincare’ superalgebra is exactly realised in the massless sector of the AdS3/CFT2 integrable scattering problem. They obtain a […]

Fontanella-Torrielli paper on AdS 3 superstrings accepted to Physical Review D

The paper “Massless sector of AdS 3 superstrings: a geometric interpretation” co-authored by Andrea Fontanella and Alessandro Torrielli, has been accepted for publication in Physical Review D.  The arXiV version is available here. In the paper, they study the recently discovered q-deformed Poincare’ supersymmetry of the AdS_3/CFT_2 integrable massless scattering, and demonstrate how the S-matrix […]

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