Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Rossides-Lloyd-Zelik paper appears in J. Sci. Comput.

The paper “Computing interacting multi-fronts in one-dimensional real Ginzburg Landau equations“, co-authored by Tasos Rossides, David Lloyd, and Sergey Zelik, has appeared in the June issue of the Journal of Scientific Computing.  A link to the paper is here. The paper presents a numerical scheme for computing multi-fronts that is based on a global centre-manifold […]

Matthew Wakeling defends EngD thesis on numerical weather prediction

Congratulations to Matthew Wakeling who defended his EngD thesis today.  The subject of his thesis is “Numerical weather prediction in a changing climate: assimilation of dynamical information from satellite imagery“.  Matthew’s examiners were Alan O’Neill (Reading), Tony McNally (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) and Alan Robins (EnFlo, Surrey).  His supervisors were John Eyre (UK […]

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