Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Applied Geometric Mechanics Network funded by LMS for Year 2

The Applied Geometric Mechanics Network has been funded by the London Mathematical Society for Year two.  The network links research groups at Brunel, Imperial and Surrey.  Key themes are shape analysis, geometric quantum mechanics, geometric fluid dynamics, and geometric numerical integration. Three meetings/workshops are planned in the coming year.  The principal organiser of the network […]

Dr Agnese Bissi (Oxford) gives a series of lectures on supersymmetry

On Thursday and Friday, 19-20 February, Dr Agnese Bissi from the Mathematical Institute, Oxford, visited the FSG group, and gave a 10-hour series of lectures on “Conformal bootstrap meets supersymmetry“.  The topics covered included conformal symmetry in d>2 dimensions, unitary representations of the conformal group, 2 and 3 point correlation functions, crossing symmetry and the […]

Naratip Santitissadeekorn’s paper appears in Monthly Weather Review

Naratip Santitissadeekorn‘s paper, joint with Christopher K.R.T. Jones (North Carolina), has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Weather Review, published by the American Meteorological Society.  The paper is on “Two-stage filtering for joint state parameter estimation“.  It was accepted for publication on 20 January 2015.  A link to the paper is here. The paper […]

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