Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Anne Skeldon attends Sleep Research Society meeting in Estonia

Anne Skeldon attended the European Sleep Research Society Meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, from 16-20 September.  She presented work on “Changes in sleep across the lifespan: using mathematical models to explore hypotheses to explain sleep timing“.  The presentation was based on joint work with Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Centre) and Gianne Derks.  The website for the […]

Third Applied Geometric Mechanics meeting at Brunel on 3 October

The third meeting of the Applied Geometric Mechanics Network will be held at Brunel University on Friday 3rd October.  The theme of this meeting is “Geometric Quantum Mechanics”, with specific topics: geometry of quantum states, quantum integrable systems, reduction by symmetry.  The programme is posted here. The AGM network is sponsored by the London Mathematical Society […]

“Maths and Data Day” on Friday 26 September

The department will host a “Maths and Data Day” joint with welcoming Dr Naratip Santitissadeekorn to the department.  This half-day event will feature a range of talks involving exploring mathematical techniques applied to data assimilation and analysis.  The organizers are Bin Cheng, Gianne Derks, Ian Roulstone and Matt Turner. The website for the event is […]

Pittelli, Torrielli & Wolf paper on superstring theory to appear in J Physics A: Math & Theor

The paper “Secret symmetries of type IIB superstring theory on AdS3 x S3 x M4” by Antonio Pittelli, Alessandro Torrielli, & Martin Wolf has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. The paper establish features of so-called Yangian secret symmetries for AdS3 type IIB superstring backgrounds thus verifying the […]

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