Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bridges-Pennant-Zelik paper to appear in Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.

The paper “Degenerate hyperbolic conservation laws with dissipation: reduction to and validity of a class of Burgers-type equations“, co-authored by Tom Bridges, Jon Pennant, and Sergey Zelik, has been accepted for publication in the the journal Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.  A hyperbolic conservation law is said to be degenerate or critical if the […]

Claudia Wulff gives dynamical systems seminar at Imperial

Claudia Wulff is visiting the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College today (Thursday 29 May) to give a talk in the Dynamical Systems Seminar.  The talk is on “Relative Lyapunov centre bifurcation“.  An abstract follows: relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits (RPOs) are ubiquitous in symmetric Hamiltonian systems. Relative Lyapunov centre bifurcations are bifurcations of […]

Dmitri Sorokin visits from the University of Padova

Dmitri Sorokin, a Professor at the University of Padova, is visiting the department this week (26-30 May).  His host for the visit is Martin Wolf.  Professor Sorokin’s principal research interests are in the areas of supergravity and string/M-theory.  The website for the theoretical physics group at Padova is here.  During his visit he will give […]

Roulstone book reviewed in Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung

Ian Roulstone’s book “Invisible in the Storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather“, co-authored with John Norbury (Oxford), has been reviewed in the Springer journal “Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematike-Vereingung“.  The “Jahresbericht” is a showcase of mathematics. Its review articles and research reports are intended to inform as many readers as possible on current and […]

Wulff-Schilder paper on relative Lyapunov center bifurcations appears in SIADS

The paper “Relative Lyapunov center bifurcations“, co-authored by Claudia Wulff and Frank Schilder (Danish Technical University) has appeared online in the SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems. Relative equilibria (REs) and relative periodic orbits (RPOs) are ubiquitous in symmetric Hamiltonian systems and occur, for example, in celestial mechanics, molecular dynamics, and rigid body motion. REs […]

Naratip Santitissadeekorn appointed to Lectureship in Data Assimilation

Naratip Santitissadeekorn has been appointed to a Lectureship in Data Assimilation.  Naratip is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with C.K.R.T. Jones at the University of North Carolina.  He previously held a Postdoctoral position at the University of New South Wales.  His research interests are in the areas of data assimilation, Lagrangian coherent structures in fluid dynamics, […]

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