Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Gary Chaffey passes Phd viva

Congratulations to Gary Chaffey on passing his PhD viva today.  His thesis is titled “Modelling the cell cycle“. His project was supervised by Anne Skeldon, David Lloyd and Norman Kirkby (Chemical Engineering, Surrey).  The external examiner was Professor Jon Chapman (Oxford) and the internal examiner was Stephen Gourley.

Philip Aston & Christine Gavin publish paper in PLOS ONE with team from Psychology

Philip Aston and Christine Gavin, in collaboration with Adam McNamara, Kaylee Moakes, and Annette Sterr in the Department of Psychology at Surrey, published the paper “The importance of the derivative in sex-hormone cycles: a reason why behavioural measures in sex-hormone studies are so mercurial” in PLOS ONE.  Philip Aston met Adam McNamara (Psychology, Surrey) at […]

Nieri-Pasquetti-Passerini-Torrielli paper on 5D partition functions appears in JHEP

The paper “5D partition functions, q-Virasoro systems, and integrable spin chains“, co-authored by Fabrizio Nieri, Sara Pasquetti, Filippo Passerini (Princeton & Ecole Normale Superieure), and Alessandro Torrielli has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High Energy Physics.  The final-form manuscript can be found on the arXiV here.   In the paper they analyze N […]

Anastasios Rossides passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Anastasios (Tasos) Rossides for passing his PhD viva today.  Tasos’ thesis topic is “Computing multi-localised structures for some parabolic PDE systems“, supervised by David Lloyd and Sergey Zelik.  The external examiner was Prof Alan Champneys (Bristol) and the internal examiner was Tom Bridges.

Chuter-Aston-Skeldon-Roulstone paper on dynamical systems and data assimilation appears in Chaos

The paper “A dynamical systems analysis of the data assimilation linked ecosystem carbon (DALEC) models” has been accepted for publication in the journal Chaos, co-authored by the Surrey team consisting of Anna Chuter, Philip Aston, Anne Skeldon, and Ian Roulstone.  The paper considers the qualitative behaviour of one of the simplest carbon cycle models, the Data […]

Matt Turner’s paper on vorticity staircases appears in Physics of Fluids

Matt Turner‘s paper “Temporal evolution of vorticity staircases in randomly strained two-dimensional vortices” has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids.  In the paper, the evolution of a Gaussian vortex subject to a weak-external-random n-fold multipolar strain field is examined using fully nonlinear simulations. The simulations show that at large Reynolds numbers, fine scale steps form […]

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