Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Alessandro Torrielli seminar at Durham University

Alessandro Torrielli visited the University of Durham on Friday 31 January to give a talk in the Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar Series.  The title was “Yangians and strings in AdS_3“. In the talk he reviewed recent progress in understanding the scattering theory for strings propagating on AdS_3 backgrounds. The role of Yangians was discussed, and […]

Dunlop and Turner selected for SET for Britain 2014

Congratulations to Carina Dunlop and Matt Turner.  They have both been selected for Mathematics section of SET for BRITAIN 2014. On 17th March, Matt and Carina will visit the House of Lords, where each will display a poster and explain their research to MPs and other visitors. SET for BRITAIN is a prestigious annual event that […]

Prof Victor Rivelles visiting from USP Brazil

Professor Victor Rivelles is visiting the Fields, Strings and Geometry group for a week starting Wednesday 29 January.  His hosts are Jock McOrist and Kostas Sfetsos.  The visit is part of a bilateral collaboration between Surrey and the Universidade São Paulo, funded by FAPESP.  Professor Rivelles research interests are in the areas of quantum gravity, […]

Esther Bonet Luz passes PhD Confirmation Examination

Congratulations to Esther Bonet Luz on passing her PhD Confirmation Exam on Wednesday 28 January.  Esther presented her work on “Geometry and Symmetry in Quantum Variational Principles” to her examiners Alessandro Torrielli and Mark Roberts, both of whom were very impressed and are looking forward to seeing how the research develops.

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