Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bin Cheng speaks at LMS Maths for Planet Earth

Bin Cheng was an invited speaker at the London Mathematical Society sponsored conference on “Mathematics for the Fluid Earth“.  The conference was held 5-7 February at De Morgan House in London.  Bin Cheng spoke on “Time averaging and error estimates for reduced fluid models“.  In his talk Bin discussed the application of time-averaging in getting […]

David Lloyd seminar at Imperial College London

David Lloyd is visiting Imperial College London today (Thursday 6th February) to give a talk in the DynamIC Seminar.  The title of his talk is “Nucleation of localised Ferrosolitons and Ferro-patterns”. Experiments involving a plate of magnetic fluid in the presence of a magnetic field have shown that it is possible for stable localised spots on […]

Carina Dunlop seminar at University of Birmingham

Carina Dunlop visited the University of Birmingham on Monday 2nd February to give a talk in the Applied Mathematics Seminar.  The title of the talk was Cells, cell sheets and insect embryos: modelling the role of mechanics in tissue development. It is becoming increasingly clear that mechanical interactions play a crucial role in controlling cellular […]

Matt Turner seminar at Durham University

Matt Turner visited the University of Durham on Friday 31 January to give a talk in the Numerical Analysis Seminar.  The title of the talk was “Fluid sloshing and dynamic coupling”. A moving vessel carrying a fluid can give rise to a wide range of complex and beautiful fluid motions. On the other hand, the […]

Alessandro Torrielli seminar at Durham University

Alessandro Torrielli visited the University of Durham on Friday 31 January to give a talk in the Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar Series.  The title was “Yangians and strings in AdS_3“. In the talk he reviewed recent progress in understanding the scattering theory for strings propagating on AdS_3 backgrounds. The role of Yangians was discussed, and […]

Dunlop and Turner selected for SET for Britain 2014

Congratulations to Carina Dunlop and Matt Turner.  They have both been selected for Mathematics section of SET for BRITAIN 2014. On 17th March, Matt and Carina will visit the House of Lords, where each will display a poster and explain their research to MPs and other visitors. SET for BRITAIN is a prestigious annual event that […]

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